Thursday, July 23, 2009
The superficiality of the gay community
I think one of the things I would like to cover today concerns the superficiality of the gay community in southeastern Wisconsin. As a person way beyond the age of 30 I see our obsession with youth, our obsession with clothing or glamour as the case may be and our penchant for entertainment. Yes we do have an LGB T. community center which houses project Q for our young people and other programs dealing with sexually-transmitted diseases and wellness. But most of the rest caters to business.
What I don't see any type of activity concerning those of us who of lost our jobs or any type of committee or organization geared to helping them get back into the workplace.
A RCW has a food pantry for those suffering with AIDS and HIV yet we only list tons of non-gay organizations that may or may not be gay friendly. My question is why haven't we started our own food pantry for people in the LGB T. community? Why haven't we started some kind of organization or group that can help those out of work find work in a gay friendly environment?
For years we have had more than one gay newspaper, for one reason or another, either from financial difficulties, mismanagement, competition or just plain all around general infighting many of these papers ceased to exist. First gay magazine I can remember was the Instep which was run by Ron Geiman and later sold to Bill Atwell and later taken over by Kate Sherry. The other a long-running newspaper was to Wisconsin Light run by the late Terry Boughner and Jerry Johnson. Unfortunately many gay publications are run on a shoestring with the cost of printing and distribution steadily rising along with the lack of advertising revenue from within and without our own community is a contributing factor in the demise of many of these publications. Another publication was the Quest magazine put out by Za. Almost of I should know that they history of the instep went through multiple publishers until its ultimate demise this last year. And of course let us not forget the infamous catalyst committee wanted to put news articles in the Shepherd express. And I totally believe that their actions resulted in the demise of the Qlife magazine, that and the lack of advertising revenue and support from our gay and gay supportive businesses.
Now I am one investigative reporter who absolutely refuses to sugarcoat the news. I am not looking for the bad things however I do believe we should get the news as it happens in an unbiased manner, if that is all possible. Cute columns like ask uncle Barbie and the latest gossip on the bar scene is all well and good. After all bar rag's serve their purpose as to gossip columns but I think what we really need is hard-hitting news about the things that are happening in our community. I guess I'm just plain sick and tired of reading about lady ga ga’s latest shenanigans at pridefest or wherever. Whether we going to wake up and smell the coffee?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pride month humbug
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Announcing Pridefest celebration of our commitments
I am extremely happy to present to you here Pridefests new Celebration of our Relationships which will be presented by the Universal Angelican Church presided by the Right Rev. Bishop Craig Berglund. I have included the YouTube announcement for your edification.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
LGB T. Center panics
In case you don't know or haven't seen the news Cdc has issued a statement concerning the swine flu indicating that the current strain is a mild one similar to the flu strains that we normally see during flu season. They still are however studying the current strain and preparing vaccines for the fall just in case it comes back with a vengeance. Just remember frequently wash your hands and if all possible use a hand sanitizer just to be on the safe side. Try to stay away from anyone who may be coughing or exhibits any type of flu like symptoms. Cover your mouth if you must cough and if you don't have many tissue instead of coughing into your hand you should use the inside of your elbow instead. And of course if you don't have to go out or be in large crowds don't. Instead of going to the movies or to a show rent a flick, pop some popcorn and enjoy.
Y'all keep healthy, you hear?
Friday, March 13, 2009
I'm back Silent no longer
It has been rather silent around here mainly because I have been recuperating from spinal surgery on my neck which you can learn more about about on my blog Garysdish. Well I'm back and I'll be covering whatever is happening here in Milwaukee and elsewhere. Because I know about the cost of print publication, combined with the added expense of putting the same publication on the Internet I decided to devote my time and energies strictly to the Internet. I no longer have to type it out because it is much easier to put things in print thanks to a program called NaturallySpeaking by nuance, a program that transcribes speech into the printed word. This makes it much easier and faster to get news into print and onto the Internet. No more two finger typing, and no more Karpel tunnel to deal with. No more finicky printing presses to try to keep going when the deadline is quickly approaching. No more paper and no more printers ink to get on your hands and no more vicious paper cuts (That's a little inside Joke) if you know what I mean.
And yes I do believe that several publications can coexist together. Just as there is more than one television station in the area and most of them have happily coexisted for years without any problems. It is my personal opinion that it is not good to have only one viewpoint when it comes to the news. The truth be told there is always two different sides to every news story and I feel it is my obligation to provide a different viewpoint. Some might interpret this as competition, but I don't, I consider it good reporting. After all what one person sees may not be the same as what another sees and enabling our readers to see two different viewpoints is good. Anyway that's the way I see it and some may disagree and that's their choice, but that's what makes life interesting.
Sometimes there are news stories that one of us does not catch and I believe it is our obligation to get those stories out to you the public as quickly as possible. I see the Internet as the wave of the future because there are so many different ways to get the news out to people and that's what it's all about. So keep tuned because this isn't the only place you're going to find the news it is my plan to take advantage of all the other resources on the Internet to get the word out.